
said no,she insisted th she pay for everything,I can't figure her out,If this had happened any other day,she'd have shrugged it off and said she was sorry for leaving,I guess friends aren't supposed to be figured out,but I don't, know wViaf on bo t.Viov»r>o t-Vioi-o fm- ovpont to just be there,I don't
show up, found out she
_i—x. t for
_ ________ I'm negative about everythin^^i^fl^
The next week,.she called me and told me to meet her at the mall in ten minutes.I got there in six minutes*and she took ten and a half,I didn't bring any money,but she said she'd pay for everything anyway,This was supnosed to be a compensation for last week,It was already eight-thirty when I got there(I walked) „and I didn-'t know how long I'd stay there,I start ed to wonder what Reggie was up to now,but I changed my mind and thought about what in the world Paula had in store for me.I knew she wasn't old enough to drive,,but I didn't think about that when she dragged me into someone elses van.We went on a joy ride all over town in some poor person's van,.It was a really sorry van,.and I doubt the owner will miss it,Paula was screaming and yelling while I was holding to for dear life.After a while,I started laughing about the whole thing.The back door was flapping open and about sixty people had already shot us an assortment of harjd and face, gestures that. Rev.Falwell would consider a sacrelig.As soon as we. got in the van the first time,every-
~fr foni wrr? Tl-rili*^
- Author
- mark thomas